Story time for kids also parentsâ respite from coronavirus fears
Watching Alexx Conrad sing and read, wide-eyed and gesturing, you'd think there was more than her dog in the audience. She is one of several librarians conducting virtual story time. It helps the kids, of course, but also parents seeking a few moments of normal.
Opening and closing her fists, to imitate a bug's opening eyes, Alexx Conrad finishes the final verse of "The Insect Song" to the tune of "Wheels on the Bus," then pauses briefly to catch her breath and smiles.
"Excellent, everyone. You did such a great job. ... It's been great sharing this story time with you today."
Somewhere beyond the camera and the home she shares with her dog, Conrad had an audience of about 100 toddlers and parents tuned in Monday morning for her 30-minute story time on Westerville Public Library's Facebook page.
For a librarian, whose work is all about helping others, these are trying times. But having a connection to her families, if only digitally, is pure therapy.
"It's hard not to get wrapped up in the silly songs and rhymes without having a smile on your face," Conrad said.
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Story time by camera is obviously different.
"I don't have 30 kids trying to give me a hug and crowding around so that others can't see. I have to pretend that we are in the story time room to keep myself engaged," Conrad said. "I am incredibly grateful that I get to keep doing this."
She is one of several area librarians conducting virtual story time. It helps the kids, of course, but also parents who grasp a few moments of normal where they can.
"With all the uncertainty in the world right now, I know that my children are feeling it also," said Danielle Bloor, who attended in-person story time with her 6-year-old daughter at the Delaware County District Library. "Letting them have a story time that shows them friendship and kindness from someone they know and trust is all I can ask for right now."
George Morrison is the youth services librarian behind "Mr. George The Librarian," a kind of Mr. Rogers in Delaware who has been doing performances on his Facebook page for about 10 years.
"We're not only talking to the children, but really talking to the adults," Morrison said. "Here are ways to encourage reading and language skills and masquerading it in a parade of information. We try to make it so much fun that children don't realize they're learning."
With society largely frozen in place and gripped by uncertainty, Morrison's subtle messaging is calming, parents say.
"Now more than ever, he is another familiar face providing familiarity to our children during a confusing time of their lives," said Melissa Stroupe, whose kids have followed Mr. George for years.
"Every minute he's reading to our children is a minute they're not bored, a minute they're not overhearing the news, a minute they can find comfort and entertainment with a friend," Stroupe said. "It's a moment parents can take a deep breath and not be the one engaging in a world without respite."
Morrison selects books that deal with frustration and fear, but not overtly, he said.
"Big Boys Don't Cry" and "Sometimes I Barf" have an amusing but strong message about supporting each other, he said.
"It's a sickness. It's out there. But you will feel better afterwards," he said of the latter book, in which children are encouraged to name their sick bucket.
Kids can view similar content anywhere, he said. But not from someone familiar.
"Here they know you, there's a connection that really gets their attention."
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